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2条装 男士低腰蕾丝半透明平角内裤

2条装 男士低腰蕾丝半透明平角内裤

₱1,900.00 PHP
特点: 这款男士内裤采用蕾丝半透明设计,展现性感与现代风格,完美勾勒身形。采用高品质尼龙面料,带来卓越的舒适感和亲肤体验。透气材质确保最佳空气流通,让您整天保持清爽舒适。无论是日常穿着还是特殊场合,这款内裤都能提供卓越的穿着体验,将时尚、功能性和舒适性完美融合在一起。为您的衣橱增添这一款既时尚又实用的选择,让您自信且舒适地度过每一天。 规格: 颜色:白色、黑色、橙色、粉色、绿色、蓝色 尺码:S、M、L、XL 材质:80% 尼龙,20% 氨纶 腰型:低腰 尺码类型:常规 厚度:轻薄 风格:纯色、性感 季节:春季


₱2,000.00 PHP
特点: 这款男士三角裤时尚且多功能,采用优质材料制成,柔软且亲肤,具有高弹性,贴合身形。其弹性比普通棉质高出150%,与普通棉质有着显著区别。多次升级使其更耐用、更舒适、更贴合身材。 规格: 颜色: 黑色,绿色,蓝色,橙色 尺码: S, M, L, XL 材质: 80% 尼龙,20% 氨纶 腰型: 低腰 尺码类型: 常规 厚度: 轻薄 风格: 透气,性感,休闲 季节: 春季,夏季,秋季,冬季


₱1,700.00 PHP
特点: 这些男士内裤专为极致舒适而设计,提供贴身且性感的贴合感,提升您的整体体验。采用丝滑柔软的质地制成,亲肤且透气,确保全天舒适。垂直设计提供结构化的外观,而鲜艳丰富的颜色增添一抹时尚感。以安全和健康为设计理念,面料抗褪色,洗涤后仍保持清新外观。创新的3D剪裁提供额外空间,确保完美贴合和无与伦比的舒适感。无论是日常穿着还是特殊场合,这款内裤是您追求风格、舒适和耐用性完美结合的首选。 规格: 颜色: 白色,黑色,红色,橙色,蓝色,绿色 尺码: S, M, L, XL 材质: 88% 聚酰胺,12% 氨纶 腰型: 中腰 尺码类型: 常规 厚度: 常规 风格: 性感,透气,修身 季节: 春季,夏季,秋季,冬季


₱2,200.00 PHP
特点: 这些内裤采用时尚的提花设计,体现了当代时尚趋势。使用尼龙面料制成,确保健康透气的体验,提供类似皮肤的触感。创新的无缝冰凉技术实现了最佳的汗液吸收和热量散失,带来清新的凉爽感。这一先进设计让您的皮肤全天保持极致舒适的状态。 规格: 颜色: 白色,黑色,红色,浅蓝色,米色,蓝色 尺码: S, M, L, XL 材质: 87% 尼龙,13% 氨纶 腰型: 低腰 尺码类型: 常规 厚度: 轻薄 风格: 性感,透气,提花 季节: 春季,夏季,秋季,冬季


₱1,700.00 PHP
特点: 这些内裤采用时尚的印花图案设计,是想要紧跟最新时尚趋势的人士的完美选择。透气的棉质面料确保健康舒适的穿着体验,因为它柔软且对皮肤温和。使用环保染料不仅使内裤更具可持续性,还确保颜色随时间保持鲜艳且不易褪色。此外,轻质材料允许优异的空气流通,即使在温暖的天气中也能让您全天保持凉爽和舒适。无论您是在家休息还是外出,这些内裤都能提供风格、舒适性和实用性的完美结合。 规格: 颜色: 红色,紫色,蓝色,橙色 尺码: S, M, L, XL 材质: 95% 棉,5% 氨纶 腰型: 低腰 尺码类型: 常规 厚度: 常规 风格: 性感,印花,透气 季节: 春季,夏季,秋季,冬季


₱1,600.00 PHP
特点: 这款男士内裤采用独特的“子弹分离式口袋”设计,提供独立空间以增强舒适度并减少湿气。它提供有效的支撑和提升,防止下垂,同时结合能量磁石和科学设计的导电元素,促进血液循环。这种创新设计确保了卓越的穿着体验,突显现代男性的魅力和自信。 规格: 颜色: 黑色、深蓝色、蓝色、紫色 尺寸: S、M、L、XL、2XL 材质: 84.5% 尼龙、15.5% 氨纶 尺寸类型: 常规 腰型: 中腰 厚度: 轻量 风格: 性感、透气、弹性 季节: 春季、夏季、秋季、冬季


₱1,700.00 PHP
特点: 这款卡通主题的男士内裤融入了时尚美学元素,将现代潮流与复古设计相结合,创造出独特的风格。采用轻盈透气的面料制成,提供柔软且亲肤的穿着体验,确保全天最佳舒适度。 精致的工艺突显了男性魅力,使其成为现代绅士的完美选择。以三种精致颜色和两种独特风格提供,这一系列为个人喜好提供了多样化的选择。 规格: 颜色:蓝色,紫色,绿色 尺码:S,M,L,XL 材质:93% 莫代尔,7% 氨纶 尺码类型:常规 腰型:中腰 厚度:轻薄 风格:卡通,家居服,休闲 季节:春季,夏季,秋季,冬季


₱1,800.00 PHP
特点: 这款男士内裤采用先进的三重健康技术结合石墨烯材料,提供卓越的吸湿性,带来柔滑清爽的皮肤触感。 创新的分隔设计提供充足的空间和增强的透气性,确保无拘束的舒适贴合,无任何紧绷或压迫感。通过精密缝纫精心制作,这些内裤在保持极致舒适的同时突出您的体型。提供多种尺码和颜色选择,为现代男士带来功能性与时尚的完美结合。石墨烯注入的织物不仅让您保持凉爽干燥,还具备抗菌特性,使其成为全天穿着的理想选择。无论是休闲出行还是运动活动,这些内裤提供卓越的性能和舒适感,重新定义您的内衣体验。 规格: 颜色:黑色,红色,蓝色,灰色 尺码:XS,S,M,L,XL 材质:85% 尼龙,15% 氨纶 尺码类型:常规 腰型:中腰 厚度:轻薄 风格:运动,透气 季节:春季,夏季,秋季,冬季


₱2,000.00 PHP
特点: 这些内裤设计旨在提供卓越的舒适度和透气性,使其成为体育和健身活动的理想选择。 创新的颜色分块设计不仅增添了时尚感,还提升了视觉吸引力,而高质量的棉质面料确保了柔软、平滑和舒适的体验,即使在最激烈的锻炼中也能让您保持轻松。 规格: 颜色:白色,黑色,绿色,蓝色,灰蓝色 尺码:S,M,L,XL,2XL 材质:95% 棉,5% 氨纶 腰型:中腰 尺码类型:常规 厚度:轻薄 风格:颜色分块,运动 季节:春季,夏季,秋季,冬季
2 Pack Men's Comfortable Breathable Messy Lines Polyester Boxer Briefs

2 Pack Men's Comfortable Breathable Messy Lines Polyester Boxer Briefs

₱2,200.00 PHP
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2 Pack Men's Cotton-Spandex Blend Solid Color Elastic Breathable Trunks

2 Pack Men's Cotton-Spandex Blend Solid Color Elastic Breathable Trunks

₱2,200.00 PHP
Features:Experience the perfect blend of comfort and support with our cotton-spandex blend trunks. Made from a premium cotton-spandex blend, these trunks offer a soft, breathable feel against the skin while providing...
2 Pack Men's Statue of Liberty Print Comfortable and Breathable Trunks

2 Pack Men's Statue of Liberty Print Comfortable and Breathable Trunks

₱2,200.00 PHP
Features:Featuring a striking graphic of the iconic Statue of Liberty, these trunks offer a unique, eye-catching design that combines comfort with a statement of freedom. Made from soft, breathable fabric,...
2 Pack Men's Stretch Cotton Breathable Colourway Contrast Trunks

2 Pack Men's Stretch Cotton Breathable Colourway Contrast Trunks

₱2,200.00 PHP
Features:Step into comfort and style with our Men's Stretch Cotton Breathable Colourway Contrast Trunks! Designed for the modern man who values both form and function, these trunks combine ultra-soft, breathable...
2 Pack Men's Low-rise Sexy Side Opening Pocket Trunk

2 Pack Men's Low-rise Sexy Side Opening Pocket Trunk

₱1,900.00 PHP
Features:The underwear is patterned with numbers and letters, giving it a personalized impression.The sides of the pocket can be opened for convenience.Designed for the modern man, these trunks feature a...
4-pack Men's Cotton Seamless Mesh Breathable Boxer Briefs

4-pack Men's Cotton Seamless Mesh Breathable Boxer Briefs

₱2,000.00 PHP
Features: U-convex design at the crotch: The U-convex design lifts and supports your "penis" to enhance the silhouette and comfort. Breathable and soft fabric: Soft mesh design, breathable and comfortable,...
2 Pack Men's Solid Color Bullet Separated U-Pocket Plush Boxer Briefs

2 Pack Men's Solid Color Bullet Separated U-Pocket Plush Boxer Briefs

₱1,900.00 PHP
Features: These sexy solid boxer briefs feature a unique split design that provides excellent support for the scrotum, ensuring maximum comfort all day long. They are made of soft cotton,...
2-pack Men's Sexy Detachable Curled Cup Snap Hip Boxer Briefs

2-pack Men's Sexy Detachable Curled Cup Snap Hip Boxer Briefs

₱2,100.00 PHP
Features: Material: Made of 80.8% nylon and 19.2% spandex, it has excellent elasticity, is skin-friendly and lightweight, and can bring a non-irritating experience. Snap-on sponge cup design: can be removed...
3-pack Men's Sports Antibacterial Graphene Boxer Shorts

3-pack Men's Sports Antibacterial Graphene Boxer Shorts

₱2,200.00 PHP
Features: Material: These men's boxer briefs are made of ultra-soft natural high-quality modal fabric with strong elasticity, which can effectively reduce irritating sweat odor and moisture. Elastic Stretch: The waist...
2-pack Men's Translucent Seamless 3D Pocket Boxer Briefs

2-pack Men's Translucent Seamless 3D Pocket Boxer Briefs

₱2,000.00 PHP
Features: Made from premium natural breathable nylon, our silky briefs come from nature to wick away moisture, keeping your privates dry all day long. With silky soft seams, secure fit...
3 Pack Men's Breathable Ice Silk Double-Layered Big Pouch Sexy Boxer Briefs

3 Pack Men's Breathable Ice Silk Double-Layered Big Pouch Sexy Boxer Briefs

₱1,800.00 PHP
Features: Sexy raised big bag design, fashionable and trendy. Nylon material, quick drying and skin-friendly. A variety of colors and sizes are available, you can choose the one that suits...
2 Pack Men's Detachable Pouch Breathable Boxer Briefs

2 Pack Men's Detachable Pouch Breathable Boxer Briefs

₱1,800.00 PHP
Features: Combining fashion with functionality, these men's shorts feature a unique detachable pouch design that enhances breathability and adds a touch of charm. Its standout feature is the lift-up pocket,...
2-pack Men's Modal Open-top Boxer Briefs

2-pack Men's Modal Open-top Boxer Briefs

₱1,700.00 PHP
Features: Modal fabric, breathable and comfortable, contrasting color opening design, convenient for your needs, soft and flexible waistband will not cause too much pressure and keep its shape during wearing....
2-pack Men's Negative Ion Massage Boxer Briefs

2-pack Men's Negative Ion Massage Boxer Briefs

₱1,700.00 PHP
Features: Super Soft and Comfortable: Made of high-quality cotton and spandex blend, the soft and breathable fabric gently soothes your skin, allowing you to enjoy a relaxing and comfortable experience...
2-pack Men's Fish Scale Sexy Big Pouch Boxer Briefs

2-pack Men's Fish Scale Sexy Big Pouch Boxer Briefs

₱1,900.00 PHP
Features: •Made of sequined silky fabric, soft, elastic, smooth, comfortable to wear, perfectly showing your muscle curves. •Front fitted pockets, support pockets can lift and support your "penis", enhance the...